Divorce And Taking Time To Transition

26 September 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog


Nothing good can come of things that are rushed, particularly legal matters. A divorce affects almost every area of your life, from your children to your pocketbook, and taking your time to adjust can mean a less-stressful and more thoughtful experience. Fortunately, a legal separation provides divorcing couples with the perfect means to take this separation step by step, and having that separation made official can offer even more benefits and protections. Read on to learn more.

What's your hurry?

Emotions can run high during divorce situations no matter how logical you try to be. Taking more time can allow you time to get professional and legal support, but it can also be tempting to rush the process so that you can:

  1. Get it over with faster.
  2. Punish your spouse.
  3. Move on with your life.

If you are not careful, a rushed divorce could lead to giving up child custody, a poorly thought out visitation plan, being assigned more than your fair share of marital debts and more. Slow down and go through a real separation period by using a legal separation agreement.

Longer separations can benefits couples in several ways:

1. If you have religious or ethical considerations, you might opt to live separately and use a legal separation agreement to set out provisions dealing with spousal support, child custody, use of the family home and more.

2. You and your spouse want some time apart while you participate in marital counseling.

3. You fear that your divorce will be long and complicated and you want to use a legal separation agreement to hold you over during the divorce.

4. You, your child or your spouse are dealing with an illness or other issues but want to live apart for the time being.

Make it legal with a separation agreement

Many couples are surprised at the powers available through legal measures like a separation agreement. Many of the same issues that will eventually be addressed with a divorce are covered with this agreement including:

  • Temporary child support
  • Temporary child custody and visitation
  • Temporary spousal support (alimony)
  • Who has use of property for the time being. This can include the family home, the cars, etc.
  • The debts of each party at the time of the separation

Speak to an attorney at a law firm like Cooper Levenson Attorneys At Law as soon as you know that you will be separating and get the orders of support and your legal separation agreement signed by a family court judge.