Starting A Law Firm? 5 Things To Always Keep On Hand

3 November 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog


When it comes to practicing law you really have two choices: you can either start your own firm or you can work for someone else. If you have decided to take the leap and start working for yourself, then you know just how fun and exciting it can be. To make sure that your office runs as efficiently as possible, you not only need to bring in a bunch of new clients, but you also have to run an office that's equipped with the right office supplies. To make sure that your office is always running as smoothly as possible, this article will list five things for you to keep on hand. Are you interested in learning a little bit more? Read this article. 

Legal Pads

Even if you mostly run things online, you still need to have legal pads around. Legal pads are great to bring into the courtroom to jot down notes and they are also a great way for you to give your client a visual representation. For instance, if you are trying to explain the two different routes you can take in a case, you can map them out for your client on a legal pad; that way they can visually see what you are proposing. 

Black, Blue, and Red Ink Pens

Having a bunch of pens on file is a great way for you not only to take notes but also for you to underline different points in different case law studies. Make sure that you stock up on pens in all three of these colors so that you have a surplus. 

Case File Jacket

When you go to file cases with the court, they will want you to have an attorneys case file jacket so everything is more organized. Make sure that you always have a bunch of these on hand; that way you can continue to file appeals and motions without having to run to the office supply store. 

Printer Ink

In this day and age a lot of things are digital, but in law, judges still like to have hard copies of motions and other paperwork. Make sure that you always have enough printer ink so that you never run out. 

Printer paper

In addition to print ink, you are going to need a bunch of printer paper as well. The good thing about printer paper is that it's fairly affordable and you can even buy the kind that's been recycled so that you don't' feel guilty about using too many resources. 

Use these tips to keep your law office equipped all year long. Reach out to a company like American Legal Forms for more information.